From Mat to Motherhood

Tracy Awere shares the transformative power of YogaBirth on the journey to birth

Inspired by my own pregnancy and birth journey, I began working with pregnant women in 2013, first as a hypnobirthing teacher before then adding prenatal yoga to my offerings.

Having been in the birth world for more than a decade, I am increasingly aware that expectant mothers today have an abundance of choices when it comes to birth preparation classes and services. While it’s wonderful to have so many options, the myriad available can sometimes feel overwhelming as women wonder what the difference is between the different offerings and which is best for them.

As a YogaBirth teacher, I believe one of the many benefits of preparing for birth by attending the classes is the holistic nature of the sessions which provide not just physical but also emotional support for pregnancy and birth as well as balanced and up-to-date birth education to help women navigate their choices.

During my YogaBirth training I had the honour of being mentored by Yvonne Moore who many will know as one of the founding members of the Active Birth movement and a profound source of wisdom on all aspects of the pregnancy and birthing journey. A heartwarming aspect of my experience as a teacher has been welcoming women to my YogaBirth classes whose own mothers attended Yvonne’s classes over 30 years ago when they were pregnant with them. This legacy, where mothers from previous generations recommend the same classes to their daughters, is a powerful testament to the enduring value that pregnant women find in attending these sessions. It highlights the lasting impact and timeless wisdom that YogaBirth imparts to women across generations.

The Heart of YogaBirth

‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘union’. In YogaBirth classes, the union of mind, body, and breath is cultivated, providing an optimal and holistic way to prepare for the incredible journey of pregnancy, birth, and the transition into motherhood.

Our teaching is underpinned by a deep respect for the journey to parenthood as well as trust and appreciation of the innate wisdom of the body and the instinctive, physiological process of birth. We honour pregnancy and birth as natural, healthy events in a woman’s life and also recognise that there is no universal, one size fits all approach to childbirth. Understanding that birth sometimes requires medical support, we encourage a positive and open-minded stance towards the safety net of modern medical technology.

In a YogaBirth class, expectant mothers can trust that they are being provided with up-to-date, unbiased information to educate rather than dictate or judge individual preferences. The goal with this approach is to equip women with the knowledge they need to make their own informed decisions about their pregnancy and birthing experiences.

What sets YogaBirth apart?

Welcoming a new life into the world is a transformative journey that encompasses not only the physical, but the intellectual and emotional elements of an individual. It’s a transition that deserves comprehensive preparation, and that’s where YogaBirth comes in.

More than just a prenatal exercise class, YogaBirth’s approach to birth education through yoga provides a nurturing community where women move their bodies in nourishing ways, meet other mums-to-be, share their experiences, and obtain answers to their questions in an unbiased, evidence-based manner.

I begin my YogaBirth classes with an informal chat, creating a warm space for mothers to openly share their experiences or ask any questions related to their pregnancy and upcoming birth. This opening circle time offers a gentle entry into the session, allowing women to unwind with a cup of herbal tea, settle in, and share their thoughts before we move into the yoga practice. What often blossoms from these gatherings are lasting friendships, with mothers forming an invaluable support network for one another. For many, these weekly sessions are one of the few moments in their schedule solely dedicated to relaxation and conscious connection with their body and baby.

The yoga practice itself is a blend of gentleness and strength, grounded in an awareness of gravity, breath, and the subtle movements that flow through the spine and the entire body. Many of the postures taught in class are also very effective positions for physiological labour and the rhythmic, yogic breathing techniques double as the natural breathing patterns of labour and birth.

The session is then rounded off with a relaxation in the form of guided meditation. As I am also a hypnobirthing practitioner, I draw on this experience and often blend elements of hypnobirthing into the relaxation segment, guiding mothers into a deeper state of restfulness and connection with their baby.

Finding the right time to begin

YogaBirth classes are suitable for all stages of pregnancy, with the recommended time to begin being from around 14 weeks onwards. By this point, the early pregnancy fatigue and nausea have often eased, allowing mothers-to-be to be more comfortable and fully engage in the practice. Those who are new to yoga or have medical conditions or special circumstances in their pregnancy are advised to consult their GP or midwife before beginning.

YogaBirth teachers are very familiar with common physical conditions that may arise during pregnancy and we are committed to providing tailored adaptations to ensure the yoga practice is as comfortable, enjoyable and beneficial as possible. Certain conditions may emerge as pregnancy advances and the mother’s body grows and changes. Therefore, women are encouraged to communicate any new developments to their teacher so they can offer the most suitable adaptations to accommodate their evolving needs.

Maintaining a regular practice by attending the YogaBirth classes frequently is the best way to get the full benefit in your pregnancy and in preparation for birth. Each class builds on the knowledge, strength and confidence that has been gained in previous classes, having a positive and compounding effect.

YogaBirth classes guide and empower expectant mothers, offering not just a path to physical strength and flexibility, but a transformative experience that resonates through pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

So, whether you or someone you know are stepping onto the path of motherhood for the first time or welcoming another bundle of joy into your family, YogaBirth offers a welcoming space of support, knowledge, and empowerment to guide you on this extraordinary journey.

I teach in-person group classes on Tuesday evenings at The Harry Rice Hall in Archway N19 and I welcome you to get in touch if you would like to join or find out more.

You can contact Tracy by email at [email protected], make bookings at or find her on Instagram at @sankofa_hypnobirthing.


Please credit Sarah Stirk